A hill fire has broken out yesterday at 2:24p.m. on Por Lo Shan in Tuen Mun. About 30 walkers were trapped and later being rescued by fire fighters. The hill fire later became grade three wildfire and has threatened the Tsing Shan Temple and Yeung Siu Hang Village where about 200 residents have to evacuate. The firedrake spreads over to the westside of the hill towards Lung Kwu Tan and is still burning. The scene of fire is over 300 hectare.
My momi takes a walk along this trail every Sunday and Gertie sometimes would join her. I remember there was a hill fire that not long ago, and fire breaks out again. This hill is already like the Rocky Mountain, and just rank with trees and grasses after rich rainfall this year. It's sad that this fire has burnt the lovely trees and greenly grasses in a second but it may take 20 years to recover.
However, in my memory, this hill often catches fires since in my childhood, then helicopter flow back and forth to deliver "water bomb", but the fires were not as fierce.
Did the plants start fire itself because of too dry, or did someone throw a cigarette end carelessly?
How are the terrapins and goldfish at the hill?
Oh please all fire fighters, flying service and civil aids keep on putting out the fire, save the plants!

* after 9p.m.