Apart from the hotel, this trip included:
Zhanyuan – once upon a time, there was a well-known merchant from Macau bought a piece of land in Zhongshan and built a grand house in classic style for his mother. He named this house "Zhanyuan" after his mother's maiden name. However, Old Mrs Zhan felt too lonely living in this huge house. She lived there for only three months then moved back to live with his son in Macau. The Zhongshan government then picked this grand house to be a spot for tourism.
There is a garden planted lots of litchi trees, longan tress, peach trees, mongo trees, wampee, etc. All these very large fruits make me mouth water. When other tour members went to watch acrobatic shows we strolled the street of the garden. Near by the stage is a snack-bar. I ordered almond milk with ginger sauce… the spicily ginger made me cry.
Agricultural workshop – a part of a University of Agriculture. Balsam pear mix pumpkin - horrible lumps on the skin; cucumber mix sponge cucumber, etc., what a eye-opening event. Then we had a mini-lecture, a researcher taught us how to identify herbs, and shared some prescriptions. The result of their good intentions was to promotion man-to-man. Momi consumed HKD500 on the herbs. Suddenly came another salesman, "That researcher is old now. Just one more civil servant point he can upgrade to a higher class. Please buy one more..." Then, momi spent another HKD250, and worried if she has been cheated. It is odd that they sell one more can get one civil servant point.
Yunjin Buyi clan – a clan came from Yunnan, a "country" led by females, looking for better life in Zhongshan. In this clan, all females have to work to support their families, while males have to weave cloth, do household duties and cook. What a different culture. The ladies introduced their teas and dried fruits, so that the money can be sent back to their distant homeland as tuition fees for their babies. However, every time the tea we bought tasted so different from what we had in tea shops, how can we be confident with their products? All dried fruits are put to dry under the sun on the ground. We do not know how many flies and insects have visited them... so no matter how hard these ladies promoted their products we finally left with nothing.
If there were no downpour and gales, we would have eaten along the Fishermen's Wharf at night, because the meals were little. As for the Adventure land, I am an old maid since child age, I do really not like to play them, in addition, I would not play as I am with my parents.
There are some other places we visited but, they are nothing so special that I want to write about.