The radio program is playing well-known children's songs, e.g. Doraemon, Dr. Slump, and The Queen of the thousand years. When I croon to accompany the songs, it comes my favourite The story of Ah-Fa that I feel like to weep.
I was about ten or eleven the first time I listened The story of Ah-Fa and it was a certainly fortuitous. I watched TV stealthily one day and the children's programme was playing the MV of this song. In the MV, a kitty accompanied a little girl, they read and played together. They were very happy until one day the kitty disappeared, the little girl cried, and grew up. I could not help but shed tears. It is too miserable, but the world is cruel.
Every time I heard this song, I recalled the days of playing with the cat of my grandmother's next door, the snatches I gave the cat some fried egg with leeks when I was a child, also recalled the little goldfishes, terrapins, birdies I had kept, unfortunately they passed away one after another...
Though there are numerous children's songs which are pleased to listened to and to sing all through the years, only The story of Ah-Fa is so appealing. I was always touched to weep by this song especially the solo by the little girl at the first part, her voice is so pure, so innocent, and conceals sorrowful. I can say it is a soul-stirring song which touches my feelings and can move everybody else.
The story of Ah-Fa
Music by 鄧雨賢 Arranged by 徐日勤 Lyris by林夕 Sing by 袁鳯瑛
(I try to translate, the meaning)
名字叫阿花搖著尾巴 It's name was Ah-Fa and was waving its tail
牠只喝牛奶哪日跟我在喝茶 It only drank milk but on that day she had tea with me
陪我讀書偷懶從來無責罵 It accompanied me and never raped me when I shirked
夜晚阿花專愛樑上爬 Ah-Fa loved to climb to the beam at night
然後我變得強又高 Then I become strong and tall
花貓卻沒有變胖只有換了毛 Kitty had not fatter but moulted
元旦母親祝我年年進步 mommy gave me blessing on New Year's day
但永沒對阿花講句長壽不老 But never blessed Ah-Fa a longevity
從末忘記那天淋著雨水 Never forget the day I got wet in the rain
當天我獨個上學只有六七歲 The day I went to school alone I was about six or seven
而我終於知道為何流眼淚 And I finally realized why I teared
在那日阿花消失世間裡 On that day Ah-Fa disappeared from the earth
(I would not translate any song again... horrible...)
Chinese version originally posted at my old newsgroup a day in 2003, revised & translated in Feb 2007