Paris, Je t'aime is a collective film consists of 18 shorts about 'Love' which each story is written and directed by various International Directors. This film introduces every stratum of the society and shows us the today Paris through people living in different times, cultures and environments. Some of the shorts are about foreigners visiting Paris, for the purpose of exploring every corner of this city to enhance the message of Paris is the 'City of Love'.
I was impressed by these shorts:-
Quais de Senine
Director: Gurinder Chadha
Some men expect to attract women by making frivolous remarks but failed; on the contrary, women favor gentlemen who respect them. Same as the Muslim girl, I despise those men who make fun of women.
Loin du 16e
Director: Walter Salles, Daniela Thomas
Cast: Catalina Sandino Moreno
A young mother takes care of other's baby as a nanny, while her own baby is left at the day-care centre; she sings the same nursery rhyme to comfort her baby and master's baby, but gives different feeling… Mommy is missing baby now, is baby also missing mama?
Director: Isabel Coixet
Cast: Sergio Castellitto
An unfaithfully husband determined to look after his cancered wife … I was moved and nearly wept. Why people always do not cherish till they are going to lose? Besides, the husband said he bought CHEAP Agnès b with his wife, that Agnès b instead is a favorite brand of many Hong Kong youngsters. Anyway, my French friend told me long ago that Agnès b in France is simply a Giordano.
Tour Eiffel
Director: Sylvain Chomet
Cast: Yolande Moreau, Paul Putner
A pantomime lives contentedly with his imaginary cat, milk, cabinet and car. His drollery makes people a belly laugh, but behind his merry face is a lonely heart. Fortunately, he finally met his soul mate for life. If we can smile at frustrations and make the best of things like this pantomime, then we are able to make our spirit healthy.
Parc Monceau
Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Cast: Nick Nolte, Ludivine Sagnier
When we were suspecting the relationship of the old English speaking man and the young French woman according to their sly conversation, to our amazement, they are father and daughter! This really surprises us. Simultaneously, it shows that no matter what life we are having, parents will always support us, but we may not feel their love until we become parents.
Faubourg Saint-Denis
Director: Tom Tykwer
Cast: Natalie Portman
A beautiful actress broke up with her blind boyfriend. Her acting was outstanding, that's why her boyfriend misunderstood that she wants to break up. However, she should not make fun of break up. That's what we have to aware, be responsible. Natalie Portman is a real beauty, she looks so beautiful in this short. By the way, Nat's dialogue on phone at the beginning likes a beautiful poem, though a sad one.
I don't think exceptionally good, but it is a certain we can read the real-life Paris. The 18 love stories: impressive, funny, usual, are all everyday matters that commonly happen around us. When the location switches to the feeling noble Paris… Paris, is indeed nothing special.
Actually in Hong Kong, Love is everywhere.
Directed by: Olivier Assayas, Frederic Auburtin
Source: http://www.parisjetaime-lefilm.com/
I was impressed by these shorts:-
Quais de Senine
Director: Gurinder Chadha
Some men expect to attract women by making frivolous remarks but failed; on the contrary, women favor gentlemen who respect them. Same as the Muslim girl, I despise those men who make fun of women.
Loin du 16e
Director: Walter Salles, Daniela Thomas
Cast: Catalina Sandino Moreno
A young mother takes care of other's baby as a nanny, while her own baby is left at the day-care centre; she sings the same nursery rhyme to comfort her baby and master's baby, but gives different feeling… Mommy is missing baby now, is baby also missing mama?
Director: Isabel Coixet
Cast: Sergio Castellitto
An unfaithfully husband determined to look after his cancered wife … I was moved and nearly wept. Why people always do not cherish till they are going to lose? Besides, the husband said he bought CHEAP Agnès b with his wife, that Agnès b instead is a favorite brand of many Hong Kong youngsters. Anyway, my French friend told me long ago that Agnès b in France is simply a Giordano.
Tour Eiffel
Director: Sylvain Chomet
Cast: Yolande Moreau, Paul Putner
A pantomime lives contentedly with his imaginary cat, milk, cabinet and car. His drollery makes people a belly laugh, but behind his merry face is a lonely heart. Fortunately, he finally met his soul mate for life. If we can smile at frustrations and make the best of things like this pantomime, then we are able to make our spirit healthy.
Parc Monceau
Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Cast: Nick Nolte, Ludivine Sagnier
When we were suspecting the relationship of the old English speaking man and the young French woman according to their sly conversation, to our amazement, they are father and daughter! This really surprises us. Simultaneously, it shows that no matter what life we are having, parents will always support us, but we may not feel their love until we become parents.
Faubourg Saint-Denis
Director: Tom Tykwer
Cast: Natalie Portman
A beautiful actress broke up with her blind boyfriend. Her acting was outstanding, that's why her boyfriend misunderstood that she wants to break up. However, she should not make fun of break up. That's what we have to aware, be responsible. Natalie Portman is a real beauty, she looks so beautiful in this short. By the way, Nat's dialogue on phone at the beginning likes a beautiful poem, though a sad one.
I don't think
Actually in Hong Kong, Love is everywhere.
Directed by: Olivier Assayas, Frederic Auburtin
Source: http://www.parisjetaime-lefilm.com/